Receiving a chemical peel can be a nerve-wracking process, especially if you’ve never had one before.

Like many aesthetic treatments, ‘chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin, and scars’ typically on the face.

While the results of chemical peels can appear magical, there are many things you can do to ensure you have the best results following your chemical peel.

So, how do you prepare for a chemical peel?

In this guide, we’ll cover the steps you can take to prepare for your chemical peel so you feel confident attending your treatment. 

To prepare for a chemical peel, you will need to:

  1. Make sure you wear daily SPF and avoid the sun when possible 
  2. Refrain from exfoliating 
  3. Avoid using makeup for a few days before your treatment 
  4. Pause retinol for a week 
  5. Ensure you’re hydrated before your treatment
  6. Consult your aesthetic practitioner  

1. Make Sure You Wear Daily SPF & Avoid The Sun When Possible 

To prepare for your chemical peel, you’ll need to make sure you wear daily SPF and avoid the sun where possible.

This is because the sun’s harmful rays can cause permanent pigmentation in treated areas.

Bearing this in mind, your daily SPF should be a minimum of factor 30 or higher, but factor 50 covers all bases even on a cloudy day.

When spending time outside, make sure that you have a sunhat with you to protect your face.

How to prepare for a chemical peel

Like many aesthetic treatments, ‘chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin, and scars’ typically on the face.

2. Refrain From Exfoliating

The next way to prepare for your appointment is to refrain from exfoliating your face. 

Exfoliating is a part of many people’s skincare routines, but as a chemical peel is a form of ‘higher strength skin exfoliant’, you should stop at least a week before your treatment.  

This will help you to avoid unwanted irritation and over-exfoliating your skin.

That said, you can cleanse and moisturise your skin as normal. 

3. Avoid Using Makeup For A Few Days Before Your Treatment 

The next tip to prepare for your chemical peel is to avoid using makeup for a few days before your treatment.

This simply comes down to the fact you want your skin to be as clean as possible beforehand, so leading up to your treatment is the perfect time to give your skin a little detox.

While this might be easier said than done, you don’t want makeup clogging your pores before your chemical peel. 

prepare for a chemical peel

Exfoliating is a part of many people’s skincare routines, but as a chemical peel is a form of ‘higher strength skin exfoliant’, you should stop at least a week before your treatment.  

4. Pause Retinol For A Week 

You should also pause retinol for at least a week before your aesthetic treatment

This comes down to the fact that retinol is designed to promote cell turnover, meaning it can lead to dry and flaky skin.

As you want your skin to be as hydrated as possible, it’s best to pause retinol for a week before unless your aesthetic practitioner advises you otherwise.

5. Ensure You’re Hydrated Before Your Treatment 

To prepare for your chemical peel, you’ll also need to ensure you’re hydrated before your treatment.

This means you should be upping your water intake days ahead of your appointment.

If you’re someone who struggles to drink enough water throughout the day, get a water bottle that will help you track exactly how much water you’ve drunk to stay on top of your water intake.

Additionally, you should avoid using any skincare products that could potentially dry out your skin.

Tips to prepare for a chemical peel

Your aesthetic practitioner knows best, and they’re the most important person to consult with to find out which products are required to prepare for your chemical peel.

6. Consult Your Aesthetic Practitioner  

Last, but not least, you should always consult your aesthetic practitioner. 

This is an important step as some chemical peels require prepping with hydroquinone products, for instance, to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Consult your aesthetic practitioner to find out which products are required to prepare for your chemical peel. They’ll be able to advise you on anything you’re unsure of beforehand and will also provide you with aftercare advice, so do not hesitate to ask.

So, there you have it. We hope that after reading this article, you know how to prepare for a chemical peel and feel confident to go to your treatment. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Do you see yourself in the industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management, Eyebrow and Eyelash and Dermaplaning Training Courses. 

Written by Jemima, for You Can Clinic.
September 28, 2023 — Jemima Thomas