The simple answer to this question is - it really depends on the person. Generally speaking, the immediate results of dermaplaning, such as smoother and brighter skin, can be noticeable straight after the treatment and can typically last for about 3-4 weeks. That said, personal factors such as skin type, lifestyle & skincare routine can influence how long the effects of dermaplaning last.

It's important to note that dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation treatment, and the natural skin cell turnover process will eventually cause the benefits to diminish over time. This means that, as time goes on and new skin cells form, the skin’s surface will gradually return to its previous texture and appearance.

Yet, while there’s no magic formula for making the effects of dermaplaning last forever, there are several things that you can do to make it last that little bit longer.

To make the effects of dermaplaning last longer, consider the following tips:

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure
  2. Try not to touch your face
  3. Hydrate your skin
  4. Follow a consistent skincare routine
  5. Schedule regular dermaplaning sessions

1. Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

The first and probably most important tip is to avoid excessive sun exposure, especially between the times of 10am-4pm. This is because prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, hyperpigmentation, premature ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer. This risk is heightened after this treatment as dermaplaning removes the outermost layer of the skin, which can make it more vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun's UV rays. By avoiding sun exposure, you reduce the risk of reversing the benefits of dermaplaning and protect your skin from potential sun damage.

To protect your skin from UV rays, you can:

2. Try Not to Touch Your Face

After your dermaplaning treatment, really try to resist the urge to touch your face. After dermaplaning, the skin experiences a healing process as it regenerates and renews itself. Touching your face can, however, disrupt this delicate process and potentially interfere with the desired outcome of the treatment. It’s essential that you allow the skin to heal undisturbed to promote optimal skin rejuvenation.

By refraining from touching your face, you can also help to prolong the results of your dermaplaning treatment as touching can potentially disturb the vulnerable exfoliated skin, causing it to become rough or uneven.

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?Keeping your hands away from your face also helps maintain the cleanliness of your skin and reduce the risk of pore blockage and breakouts.

3. Hydrate Your Skin

Keeping your skin hydrated is super important for a number of reasons after your dermaplaning treatment. 

Firstly, hydration is essential for promoting skin healing after dermaplaning. This is because the treatment can make the skin more sensitive and susceptible, so staying hydrated can help soothe and calm it. Hydrated skin is much more robust, allowing it to heal more quickly and preserve the benefits of dermaplaning.

Hydrated skin is also better able to retain moisture and dermaplaning can temporarily increase the skin's ability to absorb skincare products. By using moisturisers and serums in your skincare routine that lock in moisture, you can boost the hydration levels of your skin and extend the benefits of dermaplaning. This brings us nicely onto our next point…

4. Follow A Consistent Skincare Routine 

Following a consistent skincare routine is essential for maintaining the benefits of dermaplaning. 

While dermaplaning provides a thorough exfoliation, regular skincare is necessary to maintain its effects over time. By incorporating gentle exfoliation into your daily routine, such as chemical exfoliants or enzyme-based products, you are removing dead skin cells and preventing the buildup that can dull your complexion, promoting the longevity of the rejuvenated and radiant results achieved through dermaplaning.

Other skincare necessities to maintain the benefits of dermaplaning include cleansing and moisturising your face twice daily and applying suncream with minimum SPF 30 to protect your skin from sun damage in the day.

Your skincare routine is just as important in the night as it is in the morning. So, before going to bed, apply a hydrating night cream or serum that promotes skin repair. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, peptides, antioxidants, and vitamins to support the healing process.

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?By consistently providing your skin with the necessary care, hydration, and protection, both in the morning and night, you’re extending the results achieved through dermaplaning.

5. Schedule Regular Dermaplaning Sessions

It goes without saying that, in order to maintain the effects of dermaplaning, it's best to schedule regular sessions according to your skincare professional's advice. The frequency may, however, vary depending on your skin type and specific skin goals.

As mentioned, dermaplaning provides a thorough exfoliation by removing dead skin cells and ‘peach fuzz’. Over time, dead skin cells can accumulate again, resulting in a dull complexion. But regular dermaplaning sessions help ensure that the skin remains consistently exfoliated, promoting a smoother and brighter appearance for a longer duration.

Learn all about our dermaplaning aftercare advice here. 

Dermaplaning Training Course 

If you’re interested in expanding your skill set as an aesthetic practitioner, we at You Can Clinic offer a dermaplaning training course, which, although only a half-day, provides you with hands-on experience in carrying out this procedure.

How Long Do the Effects of Dermaplaning Last?

If you’re interested in our accredited dermaplaning course, or any of our other aesthetics training courses, be sure to get in touch with a member of our team today. 

You Can Clinic is one of the UK's leading providers of aesthetic training courses and pharmaceutical supplies. Over 1000 individuals have progressed through our affordable programmes, which provide comprehensive coverage of all relevant aesthetic procedures. Available from beginner to advanced courses.

Are you interested in the cosmetic industry? Check out our articles on Botulinum Toxin, Weight Management and Dermaplaning Training Courses.

Written by Kate, for You Can Clinic.

Published on 10/07/2023

Updated on 27/02/2024

July 10, 2023 — Jemima Thomas